
Life Ideals

Author name: Karen Burke Lane

woman sitting on her deck eating a bowel full of berries

Healthy Eating Habits: Progress Over Perfection

In this week’s article I decided to focus on a self-care practice that’s particularly challenging for me: nutrition. Growing up, I didn’t always make the healthiest choices and never really learned to enjoy cooking. However, over the years, I’ve come to understand just how crucial good nutrition is for our overall health. Even now, I […]

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Woman hiking in solitude

The Benefits of Solitude and Reflection in Enhancing Social Connections

In our fast-paced world filled with constant connectivity, the value of solitude often gets overshadowed. Yet, taking time for oneself—solitude—is a profound practice that can deeply enrich our social connections and overall well-being. Solitude as Reflection and Recharge Solitude isn’t about being lonely; rather, it’s a deliberate choice to step back from external stimuli and

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Woman on couch at home pondering her thoughts

Transform Your Mental Well-Being with Thought Restructuring

Thought Restructuring is a powerful self-care practice that can significantly transform our mental well-being. While it may sound simple, it’s not always easy. This practice involves recognizing when our thoughts are causing suffering and learning how to change them. The Concept of Thought Restructuring At its core, Thought Restructuring helps us distinguish between our observing

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Two women sitting on a park bench chatting

Social Connections: Essential for Well-Being

Social connections are vital for our well-being. The US Surgeon General’s 2023 report highlighted that loneliness and isolation pose serious risks to our health. Fortunately, making friends can naturally shield us from loneliness, and anyone at any age can develop these crucial skills. To develop social ties, imagine your social connections as three concentric circles:

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Two friends catching up over coffee in a cafe

Embracing the Ups and Downs: The Power of Resiliency and Self-Care

In life, we experience a series of ups and downs. These patterns are a normal part of our existence. Up and down, up and down – it’s a natural cycle. Always being up is impossible, and staying in the middle of the road doesn’t exist either because our feelings fluctuate. Sometimes, we may find ourselves

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Woman sitting on a step in her garden

Transforming Minds: Understanding and Overcoming the Negativity Bias through Thought Restructuring

Our modern society is vastly different from the lives of our ancestors. Today, we have advanced security measures like deadbolt locks, a far cry from the simple rim locks of the 1800s. This evolution in security technology mirrors our brain’s tendency to focus on potential threats—a trait known as the ‘negativity bias.’ This bias, once

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Woman sitting on couch doing breathing exercises

The Power of the Pause: Choosing Connection Over Conflict

Have you ever had those moments when your emotions boil over, leading you to say something you later regretted? Yes, I’ve been there too. We all experience times when our emotions surge, prompting impulsive reactions that can leave a trail of damage in its wake. It’s as if our emotions have taken control, leaving our

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