
Life Ideals

Author name: Karen Burke Lane

Young women living authentically

Three Reasons Why It Can Be Hard to Be Your Authentic Self

Living authentically is a journey that is both rewarding and challenging. In pursuing authenticity, we often encounter obstacles that make it difficult to maintain our true selves. This blog post explores three common challenges: societal expectations, negativity bias, and stress, offering practical advice for overcoming them. Note: This is not an exhaustive list but a […]

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Friends connecting over a vegan meal as they find balance in their life

Embracing Balance in Our Pursuit of an Ideal Life

The conversation often veers towards extremes in the quest for what constitutes an ‘ideal life,’ especially regarding our diets and lifestyle choices. However, the essence of a genuinely fulfilling life might lie in balancing and understanding the diversity of individual needs and circumstances. Growing research underscores the mental health and environmental advantages of plant-based diets.

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thanks giving dinner outside

Enhancing self-care practices through gratitude

As we approach Thanksgiving, traditionally filled with gratitude and reflection, it’s the perfect opportunity to explore how gratitude can enhance our self-care practices. In the spirit of the season, let’s delve into how gratitude can transform various aspects of our daily self-care routines, enriching our overall well-being. 1. Deepening Relaxation Through Gratitude During relaxation practices

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Woman meditating on the grass building resistance

Six Ways to Counter Resistance with Life Ideals

“What we resist persists.” Psychologist Carl Jung said, “What you resist not only persists but will grow in size.” And many teachers have followed with “what we embrace dissolves” or “what we accept changes.” We resist emotions, exercise, and rest. My daughter resists practicing her piano. We avoid talking about challenging topics. We fight what

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